Motor Insurance APIs

Our Motor Insurance APIs streamline the policy purchasing journey, enabling seamless integration into your application suite.
Explore the following endpoints to navigate through each step of the process

Motor : Flow Diagrams





Motor : Authentication

All APIs necessitate passing a Bearer Token in the request headers. Below endpoints detail the Bearer Token generation.

1.0 Credentials

Check with us to obtain your credentials to use with the API.

2.0 Servers

2.1 Auth Servers

2.2 API Servers

3.0 Auth Endpoints


Generate an Auth token which needs to be passed as a Bearer token header for API interactions.

Request Body

The request body should be x-www-form-urlencoded with the following parameters:


Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

“access_token”: “<access-token>”, “expires_in”: 3600, “refresh_expires_in”: 864000, “refresh_token”: “<refresh-token”, “token_type”: “Bearer”, “not-before-policy”: 0, “session_state”: “e4a4fa5e-fd9a-432c-87ba-419f574400d4”, “scope”: “email Groups profile phone”

curl –location ‘’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-urlencode ‘client_id=<client-id>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘client_secret=<client-secret>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘username=<user-name>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘password=<user-password>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’

Motor : Metadata API

The following APIs expose Motor metadata.

1.0 Prequisites

Auth credentials are required to generate an Authorization token.

2.0 Attributes

api-base-url/api/motor/metadata/v1API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint
:type2W, 4WVehicle Type, whether two wheeler or four wheeler

3.0 Endpoints

3.1 Makes

[GET] /:type/makes
Returns the vehicle manufacturer data based on the product type.

Replace path param with appropriate values as per the below table.

Path ParamValue
type2W or 4W

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

“access_token”: “<access-token>”, “expires_in”: 3600, “refresh_expires_in”: 864000, “refresh_token”: “<refresh-token”, “token_type”: “Bearer”, “not-before-policy”: 0, “session_state”: “e4a4fa5e-fd9a-432c-87ba-419f574400d4”, “scope”: “email Groups profile phone”

curl –location ‘’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-urlencode ‘client_id=<client-id>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘client_secret=<client-secret>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘username=<user-name>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘password=<user-password>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’

3.2 Models

[GET] /:type/:make/models
Returns the vehicle models data based on the product type and the make.

Replace the path variables in the URL as per the below table.

Path VariableAllowed Values
type2W or 4W
makeany string value returned from the makes endpoint

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

“access_token”: “<access-token>”, “expires_in”: 3600, “refresh_expires_in”: 864000, “refresh_token”: “<refresh-token”, “token_type”: “Bearer”, “not-before-policy”: 0, “session_state”: “e4a4fa5e-fd9a-432c-87ba-419f574400d4”, “scope”: “email Groups profile phone”

curl –location ‘’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-urlencode ‘client_id=<client-id>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘client_secret=<client-secret>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘username=<user-name>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘password=<user-password>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’

3.3 Variants

[GET] /:type/:make/:model/variants
Returns the vehicle variants data based on the product type, make, and the model.

Replace the path variables in the URL as per the below table.

Path VariableAllowed Values
product2W or 4W
makeany string value returned from the makes endpoint
modelany string value returned from the models endpoint

“timestamp”: “2024-04-09T12:14:32.779Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_9b8de75c505bf9317743a579e51e5184”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: [ “Q8 4.0L TFSI (3996 CC)”, “STD (660 CC)” ], “code”: “EG_200”

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/motor/metadata/v1/2W/APRILIA/RS/variants’ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <access-token>’

3.4 RTO Data

[GET] /rtos
Returns all valid RTO codes

“timestamp”: “2024-04-09T15:31:40.161Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_a248ca23598bf1dd088953e6b6587dce”, “code”: “EG_200”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “version”: “v1”, “data”:

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/motor/metadata/v1/rtos’ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <access-token>’

3.5 Coverages

[GET] /coverages
Returns the Coverage Information that can be passed along with the Quote Request.

“timestamp”: “2024-04-09T12:44:01.702Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_ab548fa2ec5e1c4679b7e47dea87eefe”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “code”: “EG_200”, “data”: [
{ “coverageCode”: “emiCover”, “description”: “EMI Cover”


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/motor/metadata/v1/coverages’ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <access-token>’

3.6 Insurers

[GET] /insuranceProviders
Returns Insurance Provider Company details.

“timestamp”: “2024-04-09T12:44:49.460Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_bb5bcdb92b81162c67ea69ee56a31c35”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “code”: “EG_200”, “data”: [
{ “insurerCode”: “ADITYA_BIRLA”, “displayName”: “Aditya Birla”, “logo”: “”, “paymentModes”: “[\”FORM\”]”
{ “insurerCode”: “ROYAL_SUNDARAM”, “displayName”: “Royal Sundaram”, “logo”: “”, “paymentModes”: “[\”FORM\”]”
{ “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “displayName”: “Digit”, “logo”: “”, “paymentModes”: “[\”APD\”, \”FORM\”]”
}, { “insurerCode”: “RELIANCE”, “displayName”: “Reliance”, “logo”: “”, “paymentModes”: “[\”FORM\”]”


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/motor/metadata/v1/insuranceProviders’ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <access-token>’

3.7 Insurer Coverages based on Product Type

[GET] /:type/:insurer/insurerProductBasedCoverages
Returns Coverages based on insurer and product type

Replace path param with appropriate values as per the below table.

Path VariableAllowed Values
type2W or 4W

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

“access_token”: “<access-token>”, “expires_in”: 3600, “refresh_expires_in”: 864000, “refresh_token”: “<refresh-token”, “token_type”: “Bearer”, “not-before-policy”: 0, “session_state”: “e4a4fa5e-fd9a-432c-87ba-419f574400d4”, “scope”: “email Groups profile phone”

curl –location ‘’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-urlencode ‘client_id=<client-id>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘client_secret=<client-secret>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘username=<user-name>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘password=<user-password>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’

3.8 Plan Details

[GET] /:type/planDetails
Endpoint to be called for fetching valid plan details

Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
  • Request Params
    • dateOfRegistration Required date (DD/MM/YYYY) Vehicle Date of Registration
  • Sample Query Params Request
    • Success Query Params Request


  • Failure Query Params Request


  • Sample Response
    • Success Response

“timestamp”: “2024-06-06T10:48:14.182Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_a89c05e2e801ccc71d1f36bbffec6215”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “vehicleDetails”: { “dateOfRegistration”: “21/08/2019” },
“previousPolicyDetails”: { “recommendedPlanType”: { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” },
“applicablePlanTypes”: [ { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, { “internalName”: “1TP”, “displayName”: “Third Party (1TP)” }
“suggestedNoClaimBonus”: { “internalName”: “45”, “displayName”: “45%” },
“applicableNoClaimBonus”: [ { “internalName”: “0”, “displayName”: “0%” },
{ “internalName”: “20”, “displayName”: “20%” },
{ “internalName”: “25”, “displayName”: “25%” },
{ “internalName”: “35”, “displayName”: “35%” },
{ “internalName”: “45”, “displayName”: “45%” },
{ “internalName”: “50”, “displayName”: “50%” }
“newInsuranceDetails”: {
“recommendedPlanType”: { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, “applicablePlanTypes”: [ {
“internalName”: “1OD”, “displayName”: “Own Damage (1OD)”
{ “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” },
{ “internalName”: “1TP”, “displayName”: “Third Party (1TP)”
“code”: “EG_200”

  • Failure Response

“timestamp”: “2024-06-06T10:50:36.190Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_0475dc4902a9e0f3536182ab8c1287bb”,
“status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”,
“error”: { “message”: “Invalid registration date provided!”,
“code”: 400

curl –location ‘’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-urlencode ‘client_id=<client-id>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘client_secret=<client-secret>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘username=<user-name>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘password=<user-password>’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’

Motor : CKYC API

The below outlines CKYC APIs to complete the CKYC of the customer before proceeding with policy buying journey.

1.0 Prerequisites

You need to have the appropriate credentials to generate an Authentication/Authorization token.

2.0 Endpoints

You need to have the appropriate credentials to generate an Authentication/Authorization token.


This endpoint has to be called for CKYC verification

[GET] <server-base-url>/api/ckyc/v1/:product/stp/:insurer

Path Parameters

Replace url path parameters with appropriate values as per the below table.

URL Path Parameter NameValue
Product2W or 4W
Customer TypeInsurerSupported ID Type

Request Body


Field NameDescriptionRules
Optional Client Lead ID
customerTypeType of Customer
Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE
Transaction ID returned by the Quote API Response
customerDetails.idNumberCustomer CKYC ID Number
customerDetails.dobOrDoiCustomer DOB or DOI
customerDetails.genderCustomer gender – passed only for AADHAARValid values are MALEFEMALEOTHERS
customerDetails.fullNameCustomer gender – passed only for AADHAARValid values are MALEFEMALEOTHERS
  • Sample Request


  • Success Request

“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“insurerSpecificCKYCFields”: { “quoteTransactionId”: “epn_4hsE69FxSaBgfF5Yb9”
“customerDetails”: { “idType”: “PAN”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991”,
“idNumber”: “ASNPB3682J”

  • Failure Request

“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“insurerSpecificCKYCFields”: {
“quoteTransactionId”: “epn_4hsE69FxSaBgfF5Yb9”
“customerDetails”: {
“idType”: “AADHAAR”,
“dobOrDoi”: “03/08/2001”,
“idNumber”: “87491****”,
“fullName”: “Chikka ***”,
“gender”: “FEMALE”

Sample Response


  • Success Response

“timestamp”: “2024-07-17T10:34:41.855Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_25e8a0e777f61f84b52645ce852e868f”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“data”: {
“message”: “ICICI_DIGITAL STP CKYC verification has been successfully completed.”,
“ckycStatus”: “SUCCESS”,
“customerCKYCDetails”: {
“address”: “S/O GIRISH CHANDER BHATT,HOUSE NO-A-1/ 643, ROHINI SECTOR-6”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991”,
“fullName”: “PRIYAM BHATT”,
“email”: “PRIYAMBHA***@GMAIL.COM”,
“gender”: “MALE”,
“mobileNumber”: “95******19”
“code”: “EG_200”

  • Failure Response

“timestamp”: “2024-07-17T11:41:02.633Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_31cb75923a2ff5562441d25ffd703bc6”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“data”: {
“message”: “ICICI_DIGITAL STP CKYC verification incomplete.”,
“ckycStatus”: “FAIL”
“code”: “EG_200”


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/ckyc/v1/4W/stp/ICICI_DIGITAL’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
–data ‘{
“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“insurerSpecificCKYCFields”: { “quoteTransactionId”: “epn_4hsE69FxSaBgfF5Yb9” },
“customerDetails”: { “idType”: “PAN”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991”,
“idNumber”: “ASNPB3682J”


This endpoint has to be called when we have "ckycStatus": "FAIL" in STP

[POST] <server-base-url>/api/ckyc/v1/:product/nstp/:insurer

Path Parameters

Replace url path parameters with appropriate values as per the below table.

URL Path Parameter NameValue
Product2W or 4W
Customer TypeInsurerSupported ID Type

Request Body


Field NameDescriptionRules
Optional Client Lead ID
customerTypeType of Customer
Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE
Transaction ID returned by the Quote API Response
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycDataArray of CKYC Data object that holds Customer PoA document data
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.idNamePoA or PoI document TypeValid values are AADHAAR,PASSPORT,VOTER,DRIVING_LICENSE
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.fileNamePoA or PoI File NameValid file extentions are .jpg.pdf,.jpeg and .png
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.contentBase 64 encoded PoA or PoI file content


Field NameDescriptionRules
Optional Client Lead ID
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.policyNumberPolicy number returned by Proposal Response API
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycCallBackUrlCallback URL to get notified of CKYC Status updates
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.usedVehiclewhether the vehicle is new or used oneValid values are true or false
customerTypeType of the customerValid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE
  • Sample Request


  • Success Request

“quoteTransactionId”: “epn_4ekfS5QWBtbhbQ6zTX”,
“ckycData”: [ { “idName”: “AADHAAR”,
“fileName”: “xxxxx.jpg”,
“base64String”: “<base64 encoded file content>”

  • Failure Request

“quoteTransactionId”: “epn_tJYILet5gXdksc”,
“idName”: “AADHAAR”,
“fileName”: “xxxxx.jpg”,
“base64String”: “<base64 encoded file content>”


  • Success Request

“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
// “CORPORATE” “insurerSpecificCKYCFields”:{ “policyNumber”: “D601xxxx”,
“ckycCallBackUrl”: “”,
“usedVehicle”: false

  • Failure Request

“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“insurerSpecificCKYCFields”:{ “policyNumber”: “D601xxxx”, “ckycCallBackUrl”: “”,
“usedVehicle”: false

Sample Response


  • Success Response

“timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:00:39.803Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_44fae6da5320ae63d9933b9ced5584cf”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“data”: { “message”: “CKYC verification successfull”,
“ckycStatus”: “SUCCESS”
“code”: “EG_200”

  • Failure Response

“timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:07:35.087Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_be10402b4e8161ed4799956e599900a1”,
“status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”,
“error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while processing ckyc action UPLOAD_DOCS for ICICI_DIGITAL,error: Request Processing failed. HttpException: Error generating auth token from insurer: message: You have entered incorrect login or password”,
“code”: 500


  • Success Response

“timestamp”: “2024-04-10T02:35:48.705Z”,
“refId”: “_510905606dbc77dbcc90bde06818dd92”,
“code”: “EG_200”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“data”: { “message”: “cKYC verification successfull”,
“ckycStatus”: “SUCCESS”
“version”: “v1”

  • NSTP Response

“timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:24:22.513Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_08150db6dadedf8137bbb7ca081151ca”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“data”: {
“message”: “cKYC verification pending”,
“ckycStatus”: “FAIL”,
“completeCkycPageLink”: “” },
“code”: “EG_200”

  • Failure Response

“timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:53:58.388Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_2bde53674a9367b1b44c09aaada506a6”,
“status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”,
“error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while processing ckyc action CHECK_STATUS for DIGIT,error: Request Processing failed. HttpException: No userData present for provided key”, “code”: 500 }


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/ckyc/v1/4W/nstp/ICICI_DIGITAL’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
–data ‘{ “insurerSpecificCKYCFields”:{ “quoteTransactionId”: “epn_4ekfS5QWBtbhbQ6zTX”,
“ckycData”: [ { “idName”: “AADHAAR”, “fileName”: “xxxxx.jpg”, “base64String”: “<base64 encoded file content>”


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/ckyc/v1/4W/nstp/DIGIT’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –data ‘{ “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“insurerSpecificCKYCFields”:{ “policyNumber”: “D601xxxx”,
“ckycCallBackUrl”: “”, “usedVehicle”: false }

2.3 CKYC Callbacks

Some Insurers notify the customer CKYC status updates via callbacks. The below section illustrates the payload sent by the Insurer to the callback url.



1.0 Prerequisites

You need to have the appropriate credentials to generate an Authentication/Authorization token.

motor-api-base-url/api/motor/v1API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint
API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint
type2W4WMotor Product Type such as Two Wheeler, Four Wheeler, etc.,

This section outlines various endpoints that facilitate buying motor policies, not necessarily in order.

[GET] /retail/:type/vehicleDetails

Endpoint to be called fetching vehicle details

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
  • Request Params
    • vehicleNumber Required | string | Customer vehicle number
    • onlyFromCache Optional | boolean | if data needed from cache
    • forceUpdate Optional | boolean | To determine if fresh data should be fetched, bypassing the cache.
    • fallBack Optional - client specific| boolean | To retrieve data from a secondary source if the primary source fails to return valid results
    • clientLeadId Optional | number | Client Lead ID
  • Sample Query Params Request
    • Sample Query Params Request


  • Failure Query Params Request


Sample Response

  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-06-06T11:18:07.643Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_c4263a3369d7b52e2700b5154ebeea00”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “modelImage”: “”, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: { “internalName”: “KL27”, “displayName”: “KL27 THIRUVALLA TIRUVALLA KERALA” }, “dateOfRegistration”: “01/02/2011”, “usedVehicle”: “true”, “registrationNo”: “KL27C8187”, “engineNo”: “L15A72212953”, “chassisNo”: “MAKGM253ABN206006”, “manufactureDate”: “”, “isVehicleFinanced”: “”, “financierName”: “”, “financierAddress”: “” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “recommendedPlanType”: { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, “applicablePlanTypes”: [ { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, { “internalName”: “1TP”, “displayName”: “Third Party (1TP)” } ], “insurerCode”: “”, “validTill”: “”, “hasFiledClaim”: “”, “tpExpiryDate”: “”, “odExpiryDate”: “”, “policyNumber”: “”, “isVehicleHypothicated”: “”, “tpStartDate”: “”, “currentTPInsurerCode”: “”, “currentTPPolicyNumber”: “”, “suggestedNoClaimBonus”: { “internalName”: “50”, “displayName”: “50%” }, “applicableNoClaimBonus”: [ { “internalName”: “0”, “displayName”: “0%” }, { “internalName”: “20”, “displayName”: “20%” }, { “internalName”: “25”, “displayName”: “25%” }, { “internalName”: “35”, “displayName”: “35%” }, { “internalName”: “45”, “displayName”: “45%” }, { “internalName”: “50”, “displayName”: “50%” } ] }, “customerDetails”: { “title”: “Mr.”, “fullName”: “P V Narayanan”, “mobileNumber”: “8130290300”, “pincode”: “110075”, “emailId”: “PVNARA@GMAIL.COM”, “address1”: “FLAT N0-271 DDA SFS SECTOR – 1 POCKET -1”, “address2”: “DWARKA,SOUTH WEST DELHI”, “customerType”: “”, “gender”: “”, “dobOrDoi”: “17/10/1970”, “city”: “NEW DELHI”, “state”: “DELHI” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “recommendedPlanType”: { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, “applicablePlanTypes”: [ { “internalName”: “1OD”, “displayName”: “Own Damage (1OD)” }, { “internalName”: “1OD+1TP”, “displayName”: “Comprehensive (1OD + 1TP)” }, { “internalName”: “1TP”, “displayName”: “Third Party (1TP)” } ] }, “nomineeDetails”: { “nomineeName”: “MANISHA NARAYANAN”, “nomineeDOB”: “11/01/1971”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “wife”, “nomineeGender”: “female”, “appointeeName”: “”, “nomineeRelationshipWithAppointee”: “” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-06-06T10:41:57.114Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_ddcf37b7042f4abb07e199bcb487eb6e”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “No vehicle data found for registration Number!”, “code”: 500 } }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/vehicle-lookup/v1/retail/4W/vehicleDetails?vehicleNumber=KA91MQ5137’ \ –header ‘Authorization: ••••••’

Retrieve quotes from the configured Insurer Partners.

[GET]  /:type/quotes

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W

* - Add On Cover , # - Additional Cover , $ - Discount Cover

Coverage CodeCoverage Value
voluntaryDeductibles$2500, 5000, 7500, 15000
PACoverUnnamedPassengers#10000, 50000, 100000, 200000
unnamedPaidDriver#10000, 50000, 100000, 200000
electricalAccessories#, nonElectricalAccessories#, externalBiFuelKit#0 to one third of maximumIdv from quote response
antiTheftDevice$, PACover*, zeroDep*, consumable*, ncbProtection*, tyreProtection*, engineProtection*, roadsideAssistance*, keyAndLockReplacement*, lossOfPersonalBelongings*, llPaidDriver# , invoiceCover* , rimProtection*, garageCash#true, false
  • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
  • quoteFrom: Optional | array | Required only when single or more insurers are needed, by default all insurer quotes will be fetched (e.g., [ICICI_DIGITAL])
  • vehicleDetails:
    • make: Required | string | Make of the vehicle
    • model: Required | string | Model of the vehicle
    • variant: Required | string | Variant of the vehicle
    • rtoCode: Required | string | RTO Code of the vehicle
    • dateOfRegistration: Required | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Registration Date of the vehicle
    • usedVehicle: Required | boolean | Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided for determining whether the vehicle is a used vehicle
  • previousPolicyDetails: Optional | Previous policy details of the vehicle
    • planType: Optional | string | Plan Type of the Policy (if purchased policy is 1OD, no need to pass this field)
    • insurerCode: string | Insurer Company Code
    • validTill: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Policy expiry date
    • hasFiledClaim: string | Whether a claim has been filed
    • tpExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP expiry date
    • odExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | OD damage expiry date
    • noClaimBonus: string | No Claim Bonus (applicable only if no claim is filed in the previous year)
    • coverages: array | Previous policy coverages (extent of protection provided by a policy against specified risks)
      • coverageCode: string | Coverage code
      • coverageValue: string | Associated with location data or numerical metrics depending on selected coverage
  • CustomerDetails:
    • fullName: string | Full name of the customer
    • mobileNumber: string | Mobile number of the customer
    • customerType: string | Type of customer
    • pincode: string | Customer pincode
    • creditScore: Optional | number | Customer credit score
    • creditOrgInfo: Optional | string | Credit organisation info
  • newInsuranceDetails:
    • coverages: array | Preferred coverages (extent of protection provided by a policy against specified risks)
      • coverageCode: string | Coverage code
      • coverageValue: string | Associated with location data or numerical metrics depending on selected coverage
    • planType: PlanType | Plan Type of the Policy
    • idv: IDVDetails | string (either of minimumIdv, maximumIdv, defaultIdv, or some IDV value can be passed)
  • Sample Request
  • Inspection Required Request

{ “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “KA01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “13/04/2022”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “Prerna”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “PACover”, “coverageValue”: “true” }, { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true” } ], “planType”: “1OD+1TP”, “idv”: “minimumIdv” } }

  • Inspection Not Required Request

{ “vehicleDetails”:{ “make”:”HONDA”, “model”:”CITY”, “variant”:”1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”:”KA01″, “dateOfRegistration”:”24/03/2022″ }, “previousPolicyDetails”:{ “planType”:”1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”:”ACKO”, “validTill”:”13/04/2024″, “hasFiledClaim”:”true” }, “customerDetails”:{ “fullName”:”abcded”, “mobileNumber”:”9191919191″, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, }, “newInsuranceDetails”:{ “coverages”:[ { “coverageCode”:”PACover”, “coverageValue”:”true” }, { “coverageCode”:”zeroDep”, “coverageValue”:”true” } ], “planType”:”1OD+1TP”, “idv”:”minimumIdv” } } { “vehicleDetails”:{ “make”:”HONDA”, “model”:”CITY”, “variant”:”1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”:”KA01″, “dateOfRegistration”:”24/03/2022″ }, “previousPolicyDetails”:{ “planType”:”1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”:”ACKO”, “validTill”:”17/04/2024″, “hasFiledClaim”: “false”, “noClaimBonus”:”50″ }, “customerDetails”:{ “fullName”:”abcbe”, “mobileNumber”:”9191919191″, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, }, “newInsuranceDetails”:{ “coverages”:[ { “coverageCode”:”zeroDep”, “coverageValue”:”true” } ], “planType”:”1OD+1TP”, “idv”:”minimumIdv” } } { “quoteFrom”: [“ICICI_DIGITAL”], “vehicleDetails”:{ “make”:”HONDA”, “model”:”CITY”, “variant”:”1.3 EXI (1343 CC)”, “rtoCode”:”KA01″, “dateOfRegistration”:”24/03/2022″ }, “previousPolicyDetails”:{ “planType”:”1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”:”ACKO”, “validTill”:”28/05/2024″, “hasFiledClaim”: “false”, “noClaimBonus”:”50″ }, “customerDetails”:{ “fullName”:”Prerna”, “mobileNumber”:”9191919191″, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL” }, “newInsuranceDetails”:{ “coverages”:[ { “coverageCode”:”zeroDep”, “coverageValue”:”true” } ], “planType”:”1OD+1TP”, “idv”:”680615″ } }

Sample Response

  • Inspection Required Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-05-16T08:05:11.503Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_6c6b0ad98e21d95e4507574e7405737e”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “quotes”: [ { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “inspectionRequired”: true, “insurerAPIData”: { “enquiryId”: “5406-929712-73228257-7407”, “idv”: 482177, “idvRequested”: “minimumIdv”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “16/05/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “15/05/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “16/05/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “15/05/2025” }, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 602721, “minimum”: 482177, “maximum”: 723266, “selected”: 482177 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 23228, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 15829.87, “netODPremium”: 15829.87, “basicTPPremium”: 3416, “netTPPremium”: 3416, “noClaimBonus”: null, “gst”: 3543, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “PACover”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 330 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” } ] }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Inspection Not Required Response

– Success { “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T10:37:07.866Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_33d8ebe8a7b46b5db85410580c920426”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “quotes”: [ { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “inspectionRequired”: false, “insurerAPIData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_x9A7n5jMvbpms4s”, “requestId”: “1f27bdfd-0626-4d5c-bb4c-a8d9fce07975”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “17/04/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “16/04/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “17/04/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “16/04/2025” } }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 580615, “maximum”: 766668, “minimum”: 580615, “selected”: 580615 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 19992, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 7625, “basicTPPremium”: 0, “netTPPremium”: 0, “netODPremium”: 12851, “noClaimBonus”: 0, “gst”: 3050, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “PACover”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 675 }, { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 5226 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” }, { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “inspectionRequired”: true, “insurerAPIData”: { “enquiryId”: “3592-995279-60559060-1160”, “idv”: 482177, “idvRequested”: “minimumIdv”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “17/04/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “16/04/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “17/04/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “16/04/2025” }, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 602721, “minimum”: 482177, “maximum”: 723266, “selected”: 482177 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 23228, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 15829.87, “netODPremium”: 15829.87, “basicTPPremium”: 3416, “netTPPremium”: 3416, “noClaimBonus”: null, “gst”: 3543, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “PACover”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 675 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” } ] }, “code”: “EG_200” } { “timestamp”: “2024-05-06T16:51:55.741Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_00e947a9eb8453653a076fa2dee4fe1e”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “quotes”: [ { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “inspectionRequired”: false, “insurerAPIData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_UPaTHdbeUJuW6fw”, “requestId”: “0dc1747b-ca50-48d1-89ea-db3f0aad32fe”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “06/05/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “05/05/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “06/05/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “05/05/2025” } }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 580615, “maximum”: 766668, “minimum”: 580615, “selected”: 580615 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 15492, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 7625, “basicTPPremium”: 0, “netTPPremium”: 0, “netODPremium”: 9038, “noClaimBonus”: -3813, “gst”: 2363, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 5226 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” }, { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “inspectionRequired”: true, “insurerAPIData”: { “enquiryId”: “5947-494252-93936783-6393”, “idv”: 482177, “idvRequested”: “minimumIdv”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “07/05/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “06/05/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “07/05/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “06/05/2025” }, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 602721, “minimum”: 482177, “maximum”: 723266, “selected”: 482177 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 10827, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 4748.96, “netODPremium”: 4748.96, “basicTPPremium”: 3416, “netTPPremium”: 3416, “noClaimBonus”: -2374, “gst”: 1651, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 2784 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” } ] }, “code”: “EG_200” } – Single Quote Response { “timestamp”: “2024-05-27T10:29:15.678Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_c398947a2b736ef768f23300aeee3dda”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “quotes”: [ { “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “inspectionRequired”: false, “insurerAPIData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4f2jJIvB3y7pAh6cgv”, “requestId”: “224e4457-b9eb-42af-a80c-5b167d573c23”, “startAndEndPolicyDates”: { “odStartDate”: “29/05/2024”, “odExpiryDate”: “28/05/2025”, “tpStartDate”: “29/05/2024”, “tpExpiryDate”: “28/05/2025” } }, “idvDetails”: { “default”: 623331, “maximum”: 623331, “minimum”: 470098, “selected”: 623331 }, “premiumDetails”: { “premium”: 24076, “premiumBreakup”: { “basicODPremium”: 14325, “basicTPPremium”: 3416, “netTPPremium”: 3891, “netODPremium”: 16512, “noClaimBonus”: -7163, “gst”: 3673, “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true”, “coverageAmount”: 9350 } ] } } }, “status”: “SUCCESS” } ] }, “code”: “EG_200” } – Error { “timestamp”: “2024-04-12T11:10:04.493Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_83d37a106b69ee7d1ecd79ec280ad8bb”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “quotes”: [ { “error”: { “message”: “Error Occurred while fetching Save Quote Result”, “code”: 424, “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL” }, “status”: “FAIL” } ] }, “code”: “EG_200” }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/quotes’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data ‘{ “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “KA01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “13/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “abcdef”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “coverages”: [ { “coverageCode”: “PACover”, “coverageValue”: “true” }, { “coverageCode”: “zeroDep”, “coverageValue”: “true” } ], “planType”: “1OD+1TP”, “idv”: “minimumIdv” } }’

[POST] /:type/:insurer/proposal

Submit Proposal Request for the selected quote.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
Customer TypeInsurerID Type Value
  • Proposal Response is independent of inspection.
  • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
  • quoteInsurerContextData: Specific to insurer
  • inspectionRequired: Optional | boolean | Passed when inspectionRequired from quote response
  • DIGIT:
    • enquiryId: Required | string | Enquiry ID
    • isPreInspectionWaived: Required | boolean | Whether pre-inspection is waived
    • transactionId: Required | string | transactionId from quote response
    • requestId: Required | string | requestId from quote response
    • additionalData: Optional | Needs to be passed when payment is collected before the proposal and is specific to the insurer
    • paymentTransactionId: Optional | string | paymentTransactionId for which payment was taken
  • DIGIT:
    • instrumentNumber: Optional | string | Instrument number for which payment was taken
    • paymentTransactionId: Optional | string | Payment transaction ID for which payment was taken
    • paymentDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Payment date
  • ckycDetails: Specific to insurer
  • For ICICI_DIGITAL: Pass PAN if the premium is more than 1 lakh
  • DIGIT:
    • idType: Required | string | Type of identification used for verification
    • idValue: Required | string | Actual value of the identification document
  • nomineeDetails:
    • isPACover: boolean | Whether PA Cover is selected
    • nomineeFields:
      • nomineeName: string | Full name of the nominee
      • nomineeDOB: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Date of Birth of nominee
      • relationshipWithNominee: string | Relationship with nominee
      • nomineeGender: string | Gender of the nominee
      • appointeeName: string | Full name of the appointee
      • nomineeRelationshipWithAppointee: string | Nominee relationship with appointee
  • paymentDetails:
    • amountCollected: Number | Amount to be collected
    • successCallback: string | Success callback URL
    • failureCallback: string | Failure callback URL
  • vehicleDetails:
    • make: Required | string | Make of the vehicle
    • model: Required | string | Model of the vehicle
    • variant: Required | string | Variant of the vehicle
    • rtoCode: Required | string | RTO Code of the vehicle
    • dateOfRegistration: Required | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Registration date of the vehicle
    • registrationNo: string | Vehicle registration number
    • engineNo: string | Vehicle engine number
    • chassisNo: string | Vehicle chassis number
    • manufactureDate: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Manufacture date of the vehicle
    • isVehicleFinanced: boolean | Whether the vehicle is financed
    • financierName: string | Full name of the financier
    • financierAddress: string | Address of the financier
    • usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided for determining whether the vehicle is used
  • previousPolicyDetails:
    • planType: Optional | string | Plan type of the policy – If purchased policy is 1OD, no need to pass this field
    • insurerCode: string | Insurer company code
    • validTill: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Policy expiry date
    • hasFiledClaim: string | Whether a claim has been filed
    • tpExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP expiry date
    • odExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | OD expiry date
    • noClaimBonus: string | Applicable values: 0, 20, 25, 35, 45, 50 | No Claim Bonus
    • policyNumber: string | Policy number
    • tpStartDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP start date (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
    • currentTPInsurerCode: Optional | Insurer company code | TP insurer company code (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
    • currentTPPolicyNumber: Optional | string | TP policy number (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
  • customerDetails:
    • fullName: string | Full name of the customer
    • mobileNumber: string | Mobile number of the customer
    • emailId: string | Email ID of the customer
    • address1: string | First line of the customer’s address
    • address2: string | Second line of the customer’s address
    • pincode: string | Pincode of the customer
    • customerType: string | Type of customer
    • gender: string | Gender of the customer
    • dobOrDoi: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Date of Birth/Inauguration of the customer
    • creditScore: Optional | number | Customer credit score
  • newInsuranceDetails:
    • coverages: array | Preferred coverages
    • coverageCode: string | Coverage code
    • coverageValue: string | Value
    • planType: PlanType | Plan Type of the Policy
    • idv: IDVDetails | string (either of minimumIdv, maximumIdv, defaultIdv, or some IDV value can be passed)
  • inspectionData:
    • field 1
    • field 2
  • Sample Request
    • Success Request
      • CORPORATE Case

{ “transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “ckycDetails”: { “idValue”: “AADCCxxxxx”, “idType”: “PAN” }, “nomineeDetails”: { “isPACover”: true, “nomineeFields”: { “nomineeName”: “harsha”, “nomineeDOB”: “24/03/2001”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “BROTHER”, “nomineeGender”: “MALE” } }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 17696, “successCallback”: “”, “failureCallback”: “” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “KA01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “10/05/2022”, “registrationNo”: “KA01AV5000”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9A8S7D”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87”, “maunfactureDate”: “10/05/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “13/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “company_name”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “CORPORATE”, “dobOrDoi”: “20/11/2007” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1TP” } }


{ “transactionId”: “2356-084968-82527838-1621”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “ckycDetails”: { “idValue”: “ASNPB3682J”, “idType”: “PAN” }, “nomineeDetails”: { // If nominee age is less than 18, we need appointee details “isPACover”: true, “nomineeFields”: { “nomineeName”: “abc”, “nomineeDOB”: “24/03/2005”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “BROTHER”, “nomineeGender”: “MALE”, “appointeeName”: “”, “nomineeRelationshipWithAppointee”: “” } }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 1000, “successCallback”: “<success-callback-link>”, “failureCallback”: “<failure-callback-link>” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “newVehicle”: true, “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “usedVehicle”: false, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “KA01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”, “registrationNo”: “KA01”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9A8S7D”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87A9S8D7”, “manufactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “18/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “gender”: “MALE”, “dobOrDoi”: “1991-11-05” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+1TP”, “idv”: “minimumIdv” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “ckycDetails”: { “idValue”: “ASNPB3682J”, “idType”: “PAN” }, “nomineeDetails”: { “isPACover”: true, “nomineeFields”: { “nomineeName”: “harsha”, “nomineeDOB”: “24/03/2001”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “BROTHER”, “nomineeGender”: “MALE” } }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 17696, “successCallback”: “”, “failureCallback”: “” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HERO”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “KA01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”, “registrationNo”: “KA01AV5000”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9A8S7D”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87”, “maunfactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “13/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “grgsgs”, “gender”: “MALE”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1TP” } }

    • Success Request

{ “transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_tJYILet5gXdkscp”, “requestId”: “779f8f67-183e-4185-9ff7-f8c7572422f7” }, “nomineeDetails”: { “isPACover”: false }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 19992, “successCallback”: “”, “failureCallback”: “” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.3 EXI (1343 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “MH01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”, “registrationNo”: “MH01AV5000”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9A8xxx”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9xxxx”, “maunfactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “17/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+1TP” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “requestId”: “779f8f67-183e-4185-9ff7-f8c7572422f7” }, “nomineeDetails”: { “isPACover”: false }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 19992, “successCallback”: “”, “failureCallback”: “” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.3 EXI (1343 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “MH01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”, “registrationNo”: “MH01AV5000”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9A8S7D”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87”, “maunfactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “17/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+1TP” } }

Sample Response

  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-05-16T12:17:16.511Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_cdbb9340c14628ba4111cc9bfe35a8fc”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “insurerAPIData”: { “ckycStatus”: “FAIL”, “applicationId”: “V2600D73F734ABA8FE3B7EA8BA48E666C9D3F2E4406E5B7C422CA32732E98CD566F488F441D8F9B923B021D40D5Dxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60136xxxx”, “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “grossPremium”: 4030 } }, “code”: “EG_200” }


{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-10T13:26:09.871Z”, “refId”: “_af3deaf9739dd4ac458e1332e0e693ad”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “insurerAPIData”: { “ckycStatus”: “FAIL”, “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx”, “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “grossPremium”: 32772 } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:42:51.108Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_b47675ed674fbcf758be6917260a8e33”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “No record existed for provided MMV!”, “code”: 400 } }

  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:07:00.728Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_6a9e677bf4827a1ba87fd46c5178b81b”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “insurerAPIData”: { “makePaymentUrl”: “”, “secretKey”: “0053-xxxx”, “invoiceDetails”: { “invoiceNumber”: null }, “ckycStatus”: “SUCCESS” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:02:39.026Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_e741fdca95f7de94a549f1affc48d999”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while Proposal Submission – Payment Link not received”, “code”: 500 } }


curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/2W/DIGIT/proposal’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data-raw ‘{ “transactionId”: “2356-084968-82527838-1621”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “ckycDetails” : { “idNumber”: “ASNPB3xxxx”, “idType”: “PAN” }, “nomineeDetails” : { “isPACover”: true, “nomineeName”: “abc”, “nomineeDOB”: “24/03/2005”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “BROTHER”, “nomineeGender”: “MALE” }, “paymentDetails”: { “instrumentNumber”: “1234”, “paymentTransactionId”: “435342”, “requestId”: “3545435”, “amountCollected”: 1000, “successCallback”: “success”, “failureCallback”: “failure” }, “vehicleDetails”:{ “make”:”HONDA”, “model”:”CITY”, “usedVehicle”: false, “variant”:”1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”:”MH01″, “dateOfRegistration”:”24/03/2022″ “registrationNo”: “MH01”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9Axxxx”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87xxxx”, “manufactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”:{ “planType”:”1OD+3TP”, “insurerName”:”ACKO”, “validTill”:”18/04/2024″, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”:{ “fullName”:”grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”:”9191919191″, “emailId”: “”, “pan”: “ASNPB3xxxx”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “title”: “Mr”, “gender”: “MALE”, “dOB”: “1991-11-05” }, “newInsuranceDetails”:{ “coverages”:[ { “coverageCode”:”PACover”, “coverageValue”:”true” } ], “planType”:”1OD+1TP”, “idv”:”minimumIdv” } }’
curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/ICICI_DIGITAL/proposal’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \
–data-raw ‘{
“transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”,
“quoteInsurerContextData”: {
“transactionId”: “epn_tJYILet5gXdkscp”,
“requestId”: “779f8f67-183e-4185-9ff7-f8c7572422f7”
“nomineeDetails”: {
“isPACover”: false
“paymentDetails”: {
“amountCollected”: 19992,
“successCallback”: “”,
“failureCallback”: “”
“vehicleDetails”: {
“make”: “HONDA”,
“model”: “CITY”,
“variant”: “1.3 EXI (1343 CC)”,
“rtoCode”: “MH01”,
“dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”,
“registrationNo”: “MH01AV5000”,
“engineNo”: “A9S7Dxxxx”,
“chassisNo”: “A9S8D7Axxxx”,
“maunfactureDate”: “24/02/2022”,
“isVehicleFinanced”: true,
“financierName”: “def”,
“financierAddress”: “abc”
“previousPolicyDetails”: {
“planType”: “1OD+3TP”,
“insurerCode”: “ACKO”,
“validTill”: “17/04/2024”,
“hasFiledClaim”: “true”
“customerDetails”: {
“fullName”: “grgsgs”,
“mobileNumber”: “9191919191”,
“emailId”: “”,
“address1”: “abc”,
“address2”: “def”,
“pincode”: “400001”,
“customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991”
“newInsuranceDetails”: {
“planType”: “1OD+1TP”

[POST]  /:type/:insurer/inspectionStatus

Some Insusrers may require their Inspection API to be called.
Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
  • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
  • proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
  • Sample Request
  • Success Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “policyNumber”: “D60127xxxx” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “policyNumber”: “D60131xxxx” } }

Sample Response

  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-05-16T09:34:18.106Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_295138a916d4046fbab5d90a2efe1705”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “inspectionId”: “D60131xxxx”, “status”: “APPROVED”, “message”: { “text”: “INCOMPLETE” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }


{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-10T13:26:09.871Z”, “refId”: “_af3deaf9739dd4ac458e1332e0e693ad”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “insurerAPIData”: { “ckycStatus”: “FAIL”, “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx”, “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “grossPremium”: 32772 } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-08T12:53:10.518Z”, “refId”: “_92e1a26e8431b26bc1392baf4a3aee1e”, “code”: “EG_200”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “inspectionId”: “D60127xxxx”, “status”: “REJECTED”, “message”: { “text”: “PI_DECLINED” } }, “version”: “v1” }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/2W/DIGIT/proposal’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data-raw ‘{ “transactionId”: “2356-084968-82527838-1621”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “3509-676765-96121979-4082”, “isPreInspectionWaived”: false }, “ckycDetails” : { “idNumber”: “ASNPB3xxxx”, “idType”: “PAN” }, “nomineeDetails” : { “isPACover”: true, “nomineeName”: “abc”, “nomineeDOB”: “24/03/2005”, “relationshipWithNominee”: “BROTHER”, “nomineeGender”: “MALE” }, “paymentDetails”: { “instrumentNumber”: “1234”, “paymentTransactionId”: “435342”, “requestId”: “3545435”, “amountCollected”: 1000, “successCallback”: “success”, “failureCallback”: “failure” }, “vehicleDetails”:{ “make”:”HONDA”, “model”:”CITY”, “usedVehicle”: false, “variant”:”1.5 EXI (1493 CC)”, “rtoCode”:”MH01″, “dateOfRegistration”:”24/03/2022″ “registrationNo”: “MH01”, “engineNo”: “A9S7D9Axxxx”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7A9SD87xxxx”, “manufactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”:{ “planType”:”1OD+3TP”, “insurerName”:”ACKO”, “validTill”:”18/04/2024″, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”:{ “fullName”:”grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”:”9191919191″, “emailId”: “”, “pan”: “ASNPB3xxxx”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “title”: “Mr”, “gender”: “MALE”, “dOB”: “1991-11-05” }, “newInsuranceDetails”:{ “coverages”:[ { “coverageCode”:”PACover”, “coverageValue”:”true” } ], “planType”:”1OD+1TP”, “idv”:”minimumIdv” } }’
curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/ICICI_DIGITAL/proposal’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data-raw ‘{ “transactionId”: “_fdc23851abae7cbbe6ee2761f4f44973”, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_tJYILet5gXdkscp”, “requestId”: “779f8f67-183e-4185-9ff7-f8c7572422f7” }, “nomineeDetails”: { “isPACover”: false }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 19992, “successCallback”: “”, “failureCallback”: “” }, “vehicleDetails”: { “make”: “HONDA”, “model”: “CITY”, “variant”: “1.3 EXI (1343 CC)”, “rtoCode”: “MH01”, “dateOfRegistration”: “24/03/2022”, “registrationNo”: “MH01AV5000”, “engineNo”: “A9S7Dxxxx”, “chassisNo”: “A9S8D7Axxxx”, “maunfactureDate”: “24/02/2022”, “isVehicleFinanced”: true, “financierName”: “def”, “financierAddress”: “abc” }, “previousPolicyDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+3TP”, “insurerCode”: “ACKO”, “validTill”: “17/04/2024”, “hasFiledClaim”: “true” }, “customerDetails”: { “fullName”: “grgsgs”, “mobileNumber”: “9191919191”, “emailId”: “”, “address1”: “abc”, “address2”: “def”, “pincode”: “400001”, “customerType”: “INDIVIDUAL”, “dobOrDoi”: “05/11/1991” }, “newInsuranceDetails”: { “planType”: “1OD+1TP” } }’

[POST]  /:type/:insurer/payment

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
  • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
  • proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
  • usedVehicle: Required | boolean | Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is used
  • transactionId: Optional | string | Transaction ID
  • Sample Request
  • Success Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “makePaymentUrl”: “” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “makePaymentUrl”: “” } }


  • Success Request

{ “usedVehicle”: false, “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “usedVehicle”: false, “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “” } }

Sample Response


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T07:40:14.486Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_1007ac06bce620043b52f12f639847c8”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “insurerAPIData”: {}, “paymentData”: { “paymentType”: “FORM”, “paymentForm”: “\n <html>\n <head id=\”Head1\” runat=\”server\”>\n <title></title>\n <script language=\”javascript\” type=\”text/javascript\”>\n function submitForm() {\n document.PAYMENTFORM.submit();\n }\n function redirectFunction() {\n location.replace(\”\”);\n }\n </script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <form name=\”PAYMENTFORM\”>\n <input type=\”hidden\” value=\”Submit\” />\n <script language=\”javascript\” type=\”text/javascript\”>\n submitForm();\n redirectFunction();\n </script>\n </form>\n </body>\n </html>\n ” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T07:37:03.039Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_019e3cbcad709892a0e962182a73244f”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Valid paymentUrl not received”, “code”: 404 } }


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:43:45.565Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_9bc105937b144e60951a62eb77a51133”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “paymentData”: { “paymentType”: “FORM”, “paymentForm”: “\n <html>\n <head id=\”Head1\” runat=\”server\”>\n <title></title>\n <script language=\”javascript\” type=\”text/javascript\”>\n function submitForm() {\n document.PAYMENTFORM.submit();\n }\n </script>\n </head>\n <form method=\”post\” action=\”\” name=\”PAYMENTFORM\”>\n <input type=\”hidden\” value=’Submit’/>\n <script language=’javascript’ type=\”text/javascript\”>\n submitForm();\n </script>\n </form>\n </body>\n </html>” }, “insurerAPIData”: { “secretKey”: “3245-xxxx” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:43:09.540Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_15fa7e046d38a12530722a91a73627f4”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Valid Application Id Not Received”, “code”: 500 } }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/DIGIT/payment’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data ‘{ “usedVehicle”: false, “proposalInsurerContextData”:{ “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx” } }’
curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/ICICI_DIGITAL/payment’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data ‘{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “makePaymentUrl”: “” } }’

[POST]  /:type/:insurer/policyDownload

Endpoint to download Policy document upon successful completion of Payment.
Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
Field NameAllowed Value(s)Description
clientLeadIdnumberClient Lead ID
proposalInsurerContextDataObject containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls
proposalInsurerContextData.applicationIdstring valueApplication ID returned by the previous API call
proposalInsurerContextData.policyNumberstring valuePolicy Number returned by the previous API call
  • Request Body
    • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
    • proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
    • quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
    • usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is a used
  • Sample Request


  • Success Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V28896B7E7211FD4522D91A723DF4BF7595FDE6FFC3B9614E3F90BF2C5406EAA23F488F441D8F9B923B021xxxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx” } }


  • Success Request

{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4edYWzuawfVydvxxxx” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4edYWzuawfVydvL4JE” } }

Sample Response


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-10T07:13:58.335Z”, “refId”: “_dc8ac6fdc53af4da42224cb737d6bf61”, “code”: “EG_200”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “policyData”: { “policyNo”: “D60130xxxx”, “policyBase64String”: “<base64 encoded string>” } }, “version”: “v1” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:43:39.063Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_d4031e263fca4e572f704b89ccd6c1b8”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “{\n \”enquiryId\” : null,\n \”informationMessages\” : null,\n \”error\” : {\n \”errorCode\” : 400,\n \”httpCode\” : 400,\n \”validationMessages\” : [ \”Invalid PolicyId!!V28896B7E7211FD4522D91A723DF4BF7595FDE6FFC3B9614E3F90BF2C5406EAA23F488F441D8F9B923B021D40D5D153EB\” ],\n \”errorLink\” : \”\”,\n \”errorStackTrace\” : \”com.godigit.abs.dispatcher.base.exception.DigitWebApplicationException: HTTP 400 Bad Request\\n\\tat com.godigit.abs.dispatcher.base.exception.DigitWebApplicationException.from(\\n\\tat$filter$1(\\n\\tat java.base/java.util.HashMap$EntrySpliterator.forEachRemaining(\\n\\tat java.base/$Head.forEach(\\n\\tat\\n\\tat org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerFilteringStage.apply(\\n\\tat org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerFilteringStage.apply(\\n\\tat org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.Stages.process(\\n\\tat org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$\\n\”\n }\n}”, “code”: 500 } }


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-03T13:59:38.599Z”, “refId”: “_0189c2f3d34c32142a62d3f1beb9f08f”, “code”: “EG_IC_200”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “policyData”: { “policyNo”: “3001/33799xxxx/00/000”, “policyBase64String”: “<base64 encoded string>” } }, “version”: “v1” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:22:12.345Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_7a44134459995b63fa2093b3602d9787”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while fetchPaymentStatus — Invalid TransactionId”, “code”: 500 } }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/DIGIT/policyDownload’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data ‘{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx”, “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx” } }’

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/api/motor/v1/4W/ICICI_DIGITAL/policyDownload’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <auth token>’ \ –data ‘{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4edYWzuawfVydxxxx” } }’

[POST]  /:type/:insurer/paymentStatus

Endpoint to check the status of Policy document upon successful completion of Payment.
Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
Field NameAllowed Value(s)Description
clientLeadIdnumberClient Lead ID
proposalInsurerContextDataObject containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls
proposalInsurerContextData.applicationIdstring valueApplication ID returned by the previous API call
  • Request Body
    • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
    • proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
    • quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
    • usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is used
  • Sample Request


  • Success Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “policyNumber”: “D60130xxxx”, “applicationId”: “V24FFBB9EA3C17781AC654A4B26E02A0F7E32CAF82850DF8066BC6DD48077DF8BBF488F441D8F9B923B021D4xxxxxxxxxx” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “policyNumber”: “D6013xxxx”, “applicationId”: “V22B6F6D55C872114720882DF1DCE6F0FA61138E7F4EC1AAA6D69D0CD3495EF521F488F441D8F9B923B021xxxxxxx” } }


  • Success Request

{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_tJYILet5gXdkscp” } }

  • Failure Request

{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4edYWzuawfVydvL4JE” } }

Sample Response


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:43:14.870Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_901a57f5fec1d8030efceec078525b10”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “insurerAPIData”: { “invoiceDetails”: { “invoiceNumber”: “D60105xxxx” } } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T08:44:53.383Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_19878f0fa8d7470f449801ebad94a283”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while fetchPolicyStatus”, “code”: 500 } }


  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T09:15:34.717Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_3350366c5b6b316da3f633978cd846e8”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “ICICI_DIGITAL”, “insurerAPIData”: { “invoiceDetails”: { “invoiceNumber”: “3001/A/33897xxxx/00/000” } } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-04-17T07:39:30.640Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_b952562067d5d623f6b80850b745f24c”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Error occurred while fetchPaymentStatus — undefined”, “code”: 500 } }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/DIGIT/policyStatus’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: ••••••’ \ –data ‘{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “policyNumber”: “D601317385” }, “quoteInsurerContextData”:{ “inspectionRequired”: true } }’
curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/ICICI_DIGITAL/policyStatus’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: ••••••’ \ –data ‘{ “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “transactionId”: “epn_4fzmxgqs9HXy5nkSeB”, “inspectionRequired”: true } }’

[POST]  /:type/:insurer/mapTranIdToPolicy

Endpoint to map payment trasaction id to policy.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Value
type2W or 4W
Field NameAllowed Value(s)Description
clientLeadIdnumberClient Lead ID
proposalInsurerContextDataObject containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls
quoteInsurerContextDataObject containing data returned by insurer as part of quote response
additionalDataObject containing insurer specific data
paymentDetailsObject containing payment fields
    • Request Body
      • clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
      • proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
      • applicationId: Required | string | applicationId from proposal response
      • policyNumber: Required | string | policyNumber from proposal response
      • quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
      • enquiryId: Required | string | enquiryId from quote response
      • additionalData: json | Insurer Based Additional Data
      • instrumentNumber: Required | string | instrumentNumber for which payment was taken
      • paymentTransactionId: Required | string | paymentTransactionId for which payment was taken
      • paymentDate: Required | Date | paymentDate (DD/MM/YYYY)
      • paymentDetails: json | policy payment details
      • amountCollected: Required | Number | Amount to be collected
  • Sample Request
  • Success Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V23197601F97128E990D4839A79E2F998D3E81C656E59E3C3E49A59753B3E7C34E9745F5E4A9CBC3E25F50DB4224B6F022”, “policyNumber”: “D601495482” }, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “2099-644603-69916944-9419” }, “additionalData”: { “paymentDate”: “26/07/2024”, “instrumentNumber”:”1234567″, “paymentTransactionId”: “2177” }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 146560 } }

  • Failure Request

{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V23197601F97128E990D4839A79E2F998D3E81C656E59E3C3E49A59753B3E7C34E9745F5E4A9CBC3E25F50DB4224B6F022”, “policyNumber”: “D601495482” }, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “2099-644603-69916944-9419” }, “additionalData”: { “instrumentNumber”: “12345”, “paymentTransactionId”: “2177” }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 146560 } }

Sample Response

  • Success Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-07-26T13:35:46.077Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_29a759f10909628c8245694588162798”, “status”: “SUCCESS”, “data”: { “insurerCode”: “DIGIT”, “insurerAPIData”: { “isPolicyIssuanceSuccess”: true, //false “policyIssuanceMessage”: “Policy Issuance is Successful” } }, “code”: “EG_200” }

  • Failure Response

{ “timestamp”: “2024-07-29T03:17:18.810Z”, “refId”: “EN-G_6d80af8c35bae8f8c793d93fba1a7e90”, “status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”, “error”: { “message”: “Payment Details are incomplete!”, “code”: 400, “hasTimedOut”: false } }

curl –location ‘<server-base-url>/en-gateway/api/motor/v1/4W/DIGIT/mapTranIdToPolicy’ \ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ –header ‘Authorization: ••••••’ \ –data ‘{ “proposalInsurerContextData”: { “applicationId”: “V23197601F97128E990D4839A79E2F998D3E81C656E59E3C3E49A59753B3E7C34E9745F5E4A9CBC3E25F50DB4224B6F022”, “policyNumber”: “D601495482” }, “quoteInsurerContextData”: { “enquiryId”: “2099-644603-69916944-9419” }, “additionalData”: { “paymentDate”: “26/07/2024”, “instrumentNumber”: “12345”, “paymentTransactionId”: “2177” }, “paymentDetails”: { “amountCollected”: 146560 } }’

All Insurers notify the customer Payment status updates via callbacks. The below section illustrates the payload sent by the Insurer to the payment callback url.


<callback-url>?status=SUCCESS&uniqueTransactionId=143xxxxxx9&clientLeadId=1234 <callback-url>?status=FAIL&uniqueTransactionId=143xxxxxx9&clientLeadId=1234




This section describes the Response Structure and Response Status types returned by the API.

Field NameDescription
timestampRequest timestamp
refidUnique context id for API Backend to identify the request for troubleshooting in case of anomaly
statusPossible values are FAIL and SUCCESS. If SUCCESSdata field will be populated with response data. If FAILerror field is populated with error message
dataIn case of successful status field, data feld will contain the response data
errorIn case of failed status field, error field will contain the reason for the error
codeAPI Response code
  • Sample Request
  • Success Request

“timestamp”: “2024-04-09T11:54:19.071Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_d259b1785b68048cef6002cc484027f8”,
“status”: “SUCCESS”,
“code”: “EG_200”

  • Error

“timestamp”: “2024-04-13T03:00:08.084Z”,
“refId”: “EN-G_50929396259e9a5d76abde0701b02ca5”,
“status”: “FAIL”, “code”: “EG_500”,
“error”: “Error while retrieving makes for 3W product”

NameAllowed Value(s)Description
ICICI_DIGITALDIGITInsurer in context
type2W4WMotor Product Type such as Two Wheeler, Four Wheeler, etc.,
api-base-url/api/motor/v1API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint