Env | Base URL |
Prod | https://login.ensuredit.com |
Test | https://login-qa.ensuredit.com |
Key | Value |
client_id | <client-id> |
client_secret | <client-secret> |
username | <user-name> |
password | <password> |
grant_type | password |
Successful Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
Name | Value(s) | Description |
api-base-url | /api/motor/metadata/v1 | API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint |
:type | 2W, 4W | Vehicle Type, whether two wheeler or four wheeler |
Path Param | Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
Successful Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
Path Variable | Allowed Values |
type | 2W or 4W |
make | any string value returned from the makes endpoint |
Successful Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
Path Variable | Allowed Values |
product | 2W or 4W |
make | any string value returned from the makes endpoint |
model | any string value returned from the models endpoint |
Path Variable | Allowed Values |
type | 2W or 4W |
Successful Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
- Request Params
- dateOfRegistration Required date (DD/MM/YYYY) Vehicle Date of Registration
- Sample Query Params Request
- Success Query Params Request
- Failure Query Params Request
- Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
URL Path Parameter Name | Value |
Product | 2W or 4W |
insurer | ICICI_DIGITAL |
Customer Type | Insurer | Supported ID Type |
Field Name | Description | Rules |
clientLeadId | Optional Client Lead ID | – |
customerType | Type of Customer | Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.quoteTransactionId | Transaction ID returned by the Quote API Response | – |
customerDetails.idType | CKYC ID Type | Valid values are AADHAAR ,PASSPORT ,VOTER_ID ,DRIVING_LICENSE , PAN |
customerDetails.idNumber | Customer CKYC ID Number | – |
customerDetails.dobOrDoi | Customer DOB or DOI | – |
customerDetails.gender | Customer gender – passed only for AADHAAR | Valid values are MALE , FEMALE , OTHERS |
customerDetails.fullName | Customer gender – passed only for AADHAAR | Valid values are MALE , FEMALE , OTHERS |
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
URL Path Parameter Name | Value |
Product | 2W or 4W |
insurer | ICICI_DIGITAL or DIGIT |
Customer Type | Insurer | Supported ID Type |
Field Name | Description | Rules |
clientLeadId | Optional Client Lead ID | – |
customerType | Type of Customer | Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.quoteTransactionId | Transaction ID returned by the Quote API Response | – |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData | Array of CKYC Data object that holds Customer PoA document data | – |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.idName | PoA or PoI document Type | Valid values are AADHAAR ,PASSPORT ,VOTER ,DRIVING_LICENSE |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.fileName | PoA or PoI File Name | Valid file extentions are .jpg , .pdf ,.jpeg and .png |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycData.content | Base 64 encoded PoA or PoI file content |
Field Name | Description | Rules |
clientLeadId | Optional Client Lead ID | – |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.policyNumber | Policy number returned by Proposal Response API | |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.ckycCallBackUrl | Callback URL to get notified of CKYC Status updates | – |
insurerSpecificCKYCFields.usedVehicle | whether the vehicle is new or used one | Valid values are true or false |
customerType | Type of the customer | Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE |
- After verifying in insurer portal, Call NSTP API to check status of CKYC
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
- Success Response
- NSTP Response
- Failure Response
Name | Value(s) | Description |
motor-api-base-url | /api/motor/v1 | API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint |
retail-vlookup-api-base-url | /api/vehicle-lookup/v1 | API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint |
type | 2W , 4W | Motor Product Type such as Two Wheeler, Four Wheeler, etc., |
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
- Request Params
- vehicleNumber
Required | string | Customer vehicle number
- onlyFromCache
Optional | boolean | if data needed from cache
- forceUpdate
Optional | boolean | To determine if fresh data should be fetched, bypassing the cache.
- fallBack
Optional - client specific| boolean | To retrieve data from a secondary source if the primary source fails to return valid results
- clientLeadId
Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- vehicleNumber
- Sample Query Params Request
- Sample Query Params Request
- Failure Query Params Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
planType | 1OD+3TP , 3TP , 1OD , 1TP , 1OD+1TP , 1OD+5TP , 5TP |
noClaimBonus | 0 , 20 , 25 , 35 , 45 , 50 |
customer type | INDIVIDUAL , CORPORATE |
quote from | ICICI_DIGITAL , DIGIT |
Coverage Code | Coverage Value |
voluntaryDeductibles$ | 2500, 5000, 7500, 15000 |
PACoverUnnamedPassengers# | 10000, 50000, 100000, 200000 |
unnamedPaidDriver# | 10000, 50000, 100000, 200000 |
electricalAccessories# , nonElectricalAccessories# , externalBiFuelKit# | 0 to one third of maximumIdv from quote response |
antiTheftDevice$ , PACover* , zeroDep* , consumable* , ncbProtection* , tyreProtection* , engineProtection* , roadsideAssistance* , keyAndLockReplacement* , lossOfPersonalBelongings* , llPaidDriver# , invoiceCover* , rimProtection* , garageCash# | true, false |
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- quoteFrom: Optional | array | Required only when single or more insurers are needed, by default all insurer quotes will be fetched (e.g., [ICICI_DIGITAL])
- vehicleDetails:
- make: Required | string | Make of the vehicle
- model: Required | string | Model of the vehicle
- variant: Required | string | Variant of the vehicle
- rtoCode: Required | string | RTO Code of the vehicle
- dateOfRegistration: Required | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Registration Date of the vehicle
- usedVehicle: Required | boolean | Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided for determining whether the vehicle is a used vehicle
- previousPolicyDetails: Optional | Previous policy details of the vehicle
- planType: Optional | string | Plan Type of the Policy (if purchased policy is 1OD, no need to pass this field)
- insurerCode: string | Insurer Company Code
- validTill: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Policy expiry date
- hasFiledClaim: string | Whether a claim has been filed
- tpExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP expiry date
- odExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | OD damage expiry date
- noClaimBonus: string | No Claim Bonus (applicable only if no claim is filed in the previous year)
- coverages: array | Previous policy coverages (extent of protection provided by a policy against specified risks)
- coverageCode: string | Coverage code
- coverageValue: string | Associated with location data or numerical metrics depending on selected coverage
- CustomerDetails:
- fullName: string | Full name of the customer
- mobileNumber: string | Mobile number of the customer
- customerType: string | Type of customer
- pincode: string | Customer pincode
- creditScore: Optional | number | Customer credit score
- creditOrgInfo: Optional | string | Credit organisation info
- newInsuranceDetails:
- coverages: array | Preferred coverages (extent of protection provided by a policy against specified risks)
- coverageCode: string | Coverage code
- coverageValue: string | Associated with location data or numerical metrics depending on selected coverage
- planType: PlanType | Plan Type of the Policy
- idv: IDVDetails | string (either of minimumIdv, maximumIdv, defaultIdv, or some IDV value can be passed)
- coverages: array | Preferred coverages (extent of protection provided by a policy against specified risks)
- Sample Request
- Inspection Required Request
- Inspection Not Required Request
Sample Response
- Inspection Required Response
- Inspection Not Required Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
nomineeGender | MALE, FEMALE, OTHERS |
Customer Type | Insurer | ID Type Value |
- Proposal Response is independent of inspection.
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- quoteInsurerContextData: Specific to insurer
- inspectionRequired: Optional | boolean | Passed when inspectionRequired from quote response
- enquiryId: Required | string | Enquiry ID
- isPreInspectionWaived: Required | boolean | Whether pre-inspection is waived
- transactionId: Required | string | transactionId from quote response
- requestId: Required | string | requestId from quote response
- additionalData: Optional | Needs to be passed when payment is collected before the proposal and is specific to the insurer
- paymentTransactionId: Optional | string | paymentTransactionId for which payment was taken
- instrumentNumber: Optional | string | Instrument number for which payment was taken
- paymentTransactionId: Optional | string | Payment transaction ID for which payment was taken
- paymentDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Payment date
- ckycDetails: Specific to insurer
- For ICICI_DIGITAL: Pass PAN if the premium is more than 1 lakh
- idType: Required | string | Type of identification used for verification
- idValue: Required | string | Actual value of the identification document
- nomineeDetails:
- isPACover: boolean | Whether PA Cover is selected
- nomineeFields:
- nomineeName: string | Full name of the nominee
- nomineeDOB: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Date of Birth of nominee
- relationshipWithNominee: string | Relationship with nominee
- nomineeGender: string | Gender of the nominee
- appointeeName: string | Full name of the appointee
- nomineeRelationshipWithAppointee: string | Nominee relationship with appointee
- paymentDetails:
- amountCollected: Number | Amount to be collected
- successCallback: string | Success callback URL
- failureCallback: string | Failure callback URL
- vehicleDetails:
- make: Required | string | Make of the vehicle
- model: Required | string | Model of the vehicle
- variant: Required | string | Variant of the vehicle
- rtoCode: Required | string | RTO Code of the vehicle
- dateOfRegistration: Required | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Registration date of the vehicle
- registrationNo: string | Vehicle registration number
- engineNo: string | Vehicle engine number
- chassisNo: string | Vehicle chassis number
- manufactureDate: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Manufacture date of the vehicle
- isVehicleFinanced: boolean | Whether the vehicle is financed
- financierName: string | Full name of the financier
- financierAddress: string | Address of the financier
- usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided for determining whether the vehicle is used
- previousPolicyDetails:
- planType: Optional | string | Plan type of the policy – If purchased policy is 1OD, no need to pass this field
- insurerCode: string | Insurer company code
- validTill: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Policy expiry date
- hasFiledClaim: string | Whether a claim has been filed
- tpExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP expiry date
- odExpiryDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | OD expiry date
- noClaimBonus: string | Applicable values: 0, 20, 25, 35, 45, 50 | No Claim Bonus
- policyNumber: string | Policy number
- tpStartDate: Optional | date (dd/MM/yyyy) | TP start date (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
- currentTPInsurerCode: Optional | Insurer company code | TP insurer company code (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
- currentTPPolicyNumber: Optional | string | TP policy number (needs to be passed when new planType is 1OD)
- customerDetails:
- fullName: string | Full name of the customer
- mobileNumber: string | Mobile number of the customer
- emailId: string | Email ID of the customer
- address1: string | First line of the customer’s address
- address2: string | Second line of the customer’s address
- pincode: string | Pincode of the customer
- customerType: string | Type of customer
- gender: string | Gender of the customer
- dobOrDoi: date (dd/MM/yyyy) | Date of Birth/Inauguration of the customer
- creditScore: Optional | number | Customer credit score
- newInsuranceDetails:
- coverages: array | Preferred coverages
- coverageCode: string | Coverage code
- coverageValue: string | Value
- planType: PlanType | Plan Type of the Policy
- idv: IDVDetails | string (either of minimumIdv, maximumIdv, defaultIdv, or some IDV value can be passed)
- inspectionData:
- field 1
- field 2
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
insurer | DIGIT |
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
- usedVehicle: Required | boolean | Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is used
- transactionId: Optional | string | Transaction ID
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
Field Name | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
clientLeadId | number | Client Lead ID |
proposalInsurerContextData | Object containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls | |
proposalInsurerContextData.applicationId | string value | Application ID returned by the previous API call |
proposalInsurerContextData.policyNumber | string value | Policy Number returned by the previous API call |
- Request Body
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
- quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
- usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is a used
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
Field Name | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
clientLeadId | number | Client Lead ID |
proposalInsurerContextData | Object containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls | |
proposalInsurerContextData.applicationId | string value | Application ID returned by the previous API call |
- Request Body
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
- quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
- usedVehicle: Passed when previousPolicyDetails are not provided then for determining whether the vehicle is used
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
type | 2W or 4W |
insurer | DIGIT |
Field Name | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
clientLeadId | number | Client Lead ID |
proposalInsurerContextData | Object containing data returned by insurer as part of previous calls | |
quoteInsurerContextData | Object containing data returned by insurer as part of quote response | |
additionalData | Object containing insurer specific data | |
paymentDetails | Object containing payment fields |
- Request Body
- clientLeadId: Optional | number | Client Lead ID
- proposalInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Proposal Context Data
- applicationId: Required | string | applicationId from proposal response
- policyNumber: Required | string | policyNumber from proposal response
- quoteInsurerContextData: json | Insurer Based Quote Context Data
- enquiryId: Required | string | enquiryId from quote response
- additionalData: json | Insurer Based Additional Data
- instrumentNumber: Required | string | instrumentNumber for which payment was taken
- paymentTransactionId: Required | string | paymentTransactionId for which payment was taken
- paymentDate: Required | Date | paymentDate (DD/MM/YYYY)
- paymentDetails: json | policy payment details
- amountCollected: Required | Number | Amount to be collected
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Failure Request
Sample Response
- Success Response
- Failure Response
<callback-url>?status=SUCCESS&uniqueTransactionId=143xxxxxx9&clientLeadId=1234 <callback-url>?status=FAIL&uniqueTransactionId=143xxxxxx9&clientLeadId=1234
Field Name | Description |
timestamp | Request timestamp |
refid | Unique context id for API Backend to identify the request for troubleshooting in case of anomaly |
status | Possible values are FAIL and SUCCESS . If SUCCESS , data field will be populated with response data. If FAIL , error field is populated with error message |
data | In case of successful status field, data feld will contain the response data |
error | In case of failed status field, error field will contain the reason for the error |
code | API Response code |
- Sample Request
- Success Request
- Error
Name | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
insurer | ICICI_DIGITAL , DIGIT | Insurer in context |
type | 2W , 4W | Motor Product Type such as Two Wheeler, Four Wheeler, etc., |
api-base-url | /api/motor/v1 | API’s base url to be prefixed to endpoint |